
Before and After
This was a great veneer case. The pt was planning to get married and wanted whiter teeth. Usually when a patient wants brighter teeth, we start with a conservative approach and bleach. However, in this case, bleaching was not going to work because so much enamel was missing (likely due to severe decalcification). As a result, veneers was the next best conservative treatment of choice. As you can see, this patient has very nice and healthy gums which produced excellent results, but you can be the judge of that.

Before and After
VeneersThis was a great case. The patient came in the first time with a fractured front tooth. It was repaired with tooth colored composite, but kept chipping. This time the patient requested a more durable and permanent restoration. We chose to place highly esthetic and durable porcelain veneers on the two front teeth. However, before any tooth structure was removed, I placed a mock-up or temporary veneers on her front teeth so she could see what her new teeth would look like. Taking this extra step provided us with a great guide to create the perfect smile. Once the patient was satisfied with her new look, I was able to minimally reduce the facial enamel which allowed for excellent bonding once the final porcelain veneers were made.

Before and After
Additive Composite RestorationThis patient presented asking about veneers to close the diastema (space) between her front teeth. After careful evaluation and consultation we decided that a more appropriate and conservative approach would be an additive composite restoration on both central incisors. As you can see, the end result was beautifully proportioned teeth without the need to remove any natural tooth structure.

Before and After
Fixed RestorationsThis was a very interesting case. This 57 year old patient you see above was unhappy with his smile. So much so that he flatly said, “I just don’t smile because I am so self-conscious of my bad teeth”. When asked if he wanted to fix his smile, he replied, “Yes, but I will not get braces”. After a detailed collection of data including impressions, casts and wax mock-ups we decided to fix his smile with fixed restorations. It took multiple appointments but in the end the patient couldn’t stop smiling.

Before and After
Fixed Restorations
This was a fun and successful case. The pt had ligualized lateral incisors and a chipped front tooth. The patient had previous work done many years ago and wanted to freshen her look. Braces were the first option but she wanted a fast fix. As a result, we decided to place a veneer on her right lateral incisor and a new crown on the left lateral incisor. A small composite was placed on her front middile tooth to give her the smile she was looking for.

Before and After
Composite BondingThis female patient came to our office complaining of a discolored front tooth which had an old composite. Not only was it not the right shade, but there was a visible space between the teeth. After a few photos and shade selection, the old composite was removed and replaced with the proper shade. The space (diastema) was closed by slightly extending the composite to reach the other tooth. It's important to note that great care was taken to ensure a smooth and continuous curve of the composite was created to provide a healthy and maintainable periodontal (gums) condition.

Before and After
Abfraction repairAbfractions are common results from Bruxism (clenching and grinding the teeth) coupled with agressive brushing and acid attack. A simple, effective and non-expensive composite repair can restore the proper shape of a tooth and in many cases elliminate temperature sensitivity. The patient in this case was amazed at his results!