Knowledge is power! It is our belief that an educated and informed patient will always make the right decision when it comes to their oral health. This is why we maintain and update our website on a regular basis to provide our patients with current information and useful tips. We are always happy to answer all questions involving oral health.
You do not need to brush implants because they can't get cavities
Its alright if your gums bleed if it does not hurt
Fluoride is a communist plot
Mouthrinse is just as effective as flossing
Amalgam (Silver, Mercury) fillings are dangerous and poisonous
Snoring is only a problem for the person sharing your bed
Your dental fees pay for your dentists Mercedes
Dental insurance works the same as medical insurance
Anyone can have their teeth brightened with bleach
If a tooth is knocked out, it is gone for good
Dental work can be guaranteed
Cavities are from eating too much candy
Getting a root canal is painful
Implants do not get cavities, but can develop peri-implantitis which can lead to loss of an implant
Just like your skin, your gums should not bleed. Bleeding gums may be a sign of serious disease
Fluoride has been shown to strengthen teeth and protect against acid attack
Only floss can reach in-between teeth where neither brushing nor water picks can get
Studies have shown that amalgam fillings are safe (they are just ugly and their shape tends to break teeth)
Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea which has been associated with heart disease, hypertension and stroke
Your dentist drives a Honda
Dental insurance does not provide the same level of coverage as medical insurance
Dental fillings and crowns will not change shade with dental bleaching (there are solutions though)
Knocked out teeth can be re-implanted if certain conditions exist
Just like any surgery, dental work cannot be guaranteed. Too many factors play a role in the longevity of dental work
Acid attack causes cavities. Most acid comes from bacteria living in your mouth, and is transmittable
Tooth pain is terrible. Root canal treatment relieves pain